Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lilly Pulitzer Inspired Decals & Monograms GIVEAWAY!!!

Welcome to the Cafe, Friends! Stay with me here as I dust off some cobwebs....

I've been a busy bee these last few months with my new hobby~decals and monograms!!! It all started as I was thinking of gifts to make for Christmas and I found my new calling. I am totally excited about creating new designs and attaching vinyl decals to just. about. anything!

I left my YETI tumbler in the teacher's lounge one day at work, and because of my monogram, it was returned to its rightful owner. {not to think that any staff member at my school would actually steal my YETI, but with a monogram it was already marked ;-)} And binders....don't even get me started...monograms/ initials, designs everywhere! I made a laptop decal and pretty soon I was making them for friends at work!

I've even stepped out of my comfort zone a bit and opened an Etsy shop~ "Crazy Critter Boutique". You can browse around in there by clicking on the link above or visit the link to the right of this page ------------------------->
I'm adding new monogram and decal styles often. Check out the pictures below and you'll quickly see why my blog posts have been absent. These are only a FEW of the designs I've been working on.

So...I thought I'd share a little bit of the excitement and host a giveaway! I'm giving away any decal up to 6 inches in size from my Etsy shop ~ Crazy Critter Boutique. This could be monogrammed, without monogram, solid, Lilly patterns, YOU DECIDE!! Perfect for laptops, YETI tumblers, cars, iPhones, etc.
Check out and enter the giveaway below. The raffle will end at 12:00 am EST on February 11th. The winner will be announced shortly after!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Time to go fill some decal orders. :-) Good luck with the giveaway if you entered!

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